This INTUITIVE SPIRITUAL GROWTH READING is for the collective. ✨
The first portion is from an Intuitive Spiritual Growth Scan Nick performed using the Spiritual Growth Portal Kinesiology application that he developed. The rest of the reading is an invitation, action steps, and activation Lorelei had channelled through her higher self.
Conscious Intimacy —> Relationships —>
How often do you spend time with your friends?
Today’s invitation is to do a life review in the area of friendships.
Journal or reflect on these questions:
Who are your closest friends? How often do you spend time with them? Are there any friendships that are currently out of balance either on your end or theirs? Could you share more vulnerably of yourself with trusted friends? Are there any friendships that are no longer aligned?
Be honest with yourself and notice where your opportunities for growth might be. Take at least one ACTION STEP accordingly.
Maybe that looks like having a much needed yet difficult conversation with a friend or maybe it’s as simple as sending a “thinking of you” text, making a phone call, or scheduling a friend date.
Notice where you could lean more into curiosity and compassion toward yourself and others and where you may be closing yourself off a bit.
Remember, there are different seasons and reasons for every person in our lives. Some will be with us for a short time and some are in it for the long haul.
As we change and evolve some friendships will evolve with us and some will drift away. It’s not meant to be taken personally or seen as a failure.
It’s also not a free pass to just give up in that area of life and let things happen as they will or let conflicts go unresolved.
The relationships we have with friends are just as important as any close relationship in regard to our spiritual growth and should be treated as such.
How can you put yourself out there more to either make new friends or enhance the friendships you already have?
Take 3 breaths as follows to receive the updated codes for quality and aligned friendships:
Inhale deeply filling your belly with air,
hold for 3 seconds
Exhale fully, relaxing your belly completely
Inhale immediately and repeat
As you exhale release the outdated codes
As you inhale receive the updated codes
Friendships are represented by the 7th and 11th houses in astrology. The 7th house represents your closest friendships and the 11th house represents more of your acquaintances, groups, affiliations, and communities. For a full scan report of your personal progress in that area of your life, along with intuitive guidance & action steps fill out the form on our website.